How does SECE differ from other baby music classes?
Classes are both active and interactive, rather than passive exposure. Scientific studies have been conducted on one-year old babies that consistently participated over six months in Suzuki ECE classes with their parents (vs. inactive, experiential music classes led by professional musicians).
Studies have shown that babies in the active (SECE) classes:
- Classes aim to be calm, focused, playful environment, which is free from pressure.
- Dual teachers allows for smooth transitions between activities.
- Our primary goal is to develop character, good citizenship, and a noble heart using music, and the connection between parent and child, as the medium.
- Due to our consistent curriculum, children over time develop true mastery of the concepts. Through this consistency, students are eventually able to anticipate the next activity — and display confidence when they know how to do the next activity.
- Our language rich activities and rhymes assist with vocabulary acquisition and reading readiness.
- Children develop good character and citizenship through taking turns: by learning we know a turn is coming our way, we are able to develop patience.
- Parents play an equal role in class. Through journaling, you become an observer of your child, and discover how they learn best.
- We emphasize how to be physically relaxed in our bodies, as well as making a beautiful tone on our instruments, and how to care for musical instruments, which prepares us for instrumental lessons.